G'day Mates!

G'day Mates!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Australian Terms I have learned!

I am going home to read a good book wrapped in my "doona." A cute little gal at Costco told us this. It means she is going to wrap up in a quilt or a blanket.

The local YMCA charges $42 dollars a "fortnight," for a membership. I went home and looked it up on the internet - it is an old English word - means fourteen days. It seems so much easier just to say $84 a month!

This is the best so far. I went to the grocery store and noticed all the grocery carts were locked up. I asked the clerk if I could have a cart - simple request, right? She said to me "I will have to go and get my manager." Hmmm... is it that big of a deal? I am thinking to myself. She comes back with her manager and another lady, so the three of them are looking at me like I am nuts when I ask again for a cart. Apparently they all thought I had said that I had lost my coat! AND they are not called shopping carts they are called, "trolley's!" not carts. They cost one dollar and then when you put them back you get your dollar back!


  1. They also come clean your apartment once a fortnight. That's where I first heard it, I had to double check exactly how often that was! HA..

  2. Hey, I also learned from Tom that you do not ask for extra "napkins" at a fast food restaurant. You ask for "servettes" because the term napkin is resverved for women's products! How embarrassing would that be?????

  3. We found your blog!!! Love it!! Keep the posts coming....and find out the equivalent Australian term for 'schnogging.' Hahaha :) Love you guys!
